2022-04-22 Adaptivity
More on stiffness
PDE examples
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
default(linewidth=4, legendfontsize=12)
struct RKTable
function RKTable(A, b)
s = length(b)
A = reshape(A, s, s)
c = vec(sum(A, dims=2))
new(A, b, c)
function rk_stability(z, rk)
s = length(rk.b)
1 + z * rk.b' * ((I - z*rk.A) \ ones(s))
rk4 = RKTable([0 0 0 0; .5 0 0 0; 0 .5 0 0; 0 0 1 0], [1, 2, 2, 1] / 6)
heun = RKTable([0 0; 1 0], [.5, .5])
Rz_theta(z, theta) = (1 + (1 - theta)*z) / (1 - theta*z)
function ode_rk_explicit(f, u0; tfinal=1, h=0.1, table=rk4)
u = copy(u0)
t = 0.
n, s = length(u), length(table.c)
fY = zeros(n, s)
thist = [t]
uhist = [u0]
while t < tfinal
tnext = min(t+h, tfinal)
h = tnext - t
for i in 1:s
ti = t + h * table.c[i]
Yi = u + h * sum(fY[:,1:i-1] * table.A[i,1:i-1], dims=2)
fY[:,i] = f(ti, Yi)
u += h * fY * table.b
t = tnext
push!(thist, t)
push!(uhist, u)
thist, hcat(uhist...)
function plot_stability(Rz, method; xlim=(-3, 2), ylim=(-1.5, 1.5))
x = xlim[1]:.02:xlim[2]
y = ylim[1]:.02:ylim[2]
plot(title="Stability: $method", aspect_ratio=:equal, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
heatmap!(x, y, (x, y) -> abs(Rz(x + 1im*y)), c=:bwr, clims=(0, 2))
contour!(x, y, (x, y) -> abs(Rz(x + 1im*y)), color=:black, linewidth=2, levels=[1.])
plot!(x->0, color=:black, linewidth=1, label=:none)
plot!([0, 0], [ylim...], color=:black, linewidth=1, label=:none)
plot_stability (generic function with 1 method)
The \(\theta\) method¶
Forward and backward Euler are bookends of the family known as \(\theta\) methods.
which, for linear problems, is solved as
\(\theta=0\) is explicit Euler, \(\theta=1\) is implicit Euler, and \(\theta=1/2\) are the midpoint or trapezoid rules (equivalent for linear problems). The stability function is
Rz_theta(z, theta) = (1 + (1-theta)*z) / (1 - theta*z)
theta = .6
plot_stability(z -> Rz_theta(z, theta), "\$\\theta=$theta\$",
xlim=(-20, 1))
\(\theta\) method for the oscillator¶
function ode_theta_linear(A, u0; forcing=zero, tfinal=1, h=0.1, theta=.5)
u = copy(u0)
t = 0.
thist = [t]
uhist = [u0]
while t < tfinal
tnext = min(t+h, tfinal)
h = tnext - t
rhs = (I + h*(1-theta)*A) * u .+ h*forcing(t+h*theta)
u = (I - h*theta*A) \ rhs
t = tnext
push!(thist, t)
push!(uhist, u)
thist, hcat(uhist...)
ode_theta_linear (generic function with 1 method)
# Test on oscillator
A = [0 1; -1 0]
theta = 1
thist, uhist = ode_theta_linear(A, [0., 1], h=.2, theta=theta, tfinal=20)
scatter(thist, uhist')
plot!([cos, sin])
\(\theta\) method for the cosine decay¶
k = 50
theta = .5
thist, uhist = ode_theta_linear(-k, [.2], forcing=t -> k*cos(t), tfinal=5, h=.5, theta=theta)
scatter(thist, uhist[1,:], title="\$\\theta = $theta\$")
plot!(cos, size=(800, 500))
Stability classes and the \(\theta\) method¶
Definition: \(A\)-stability¶
A method is \(A\)-stable if the stability region
Definition: \(L\)-stability¶
A time integrator with stability function \(R(z)\) is \(L\)-stable if
Heat equation as linear ODE¶
How do different \(\theta \in [0, 1]\) compare in terms of stability?
Are there artifacts even when the solution is stable?
using SparseArrays
function heat_matrix(n)
dx = 2 / n
rows = [1]
cols = [1]
vals = [0.]
wrap(j) = (j + n - 1) % n + 1
for i in 1:n
append!(rows, [i, i, i])
append!(cols, wrap.([i-1, i, i+1]))
append!(vals, [1, -2, 1] ./ dx^2)
sparse(rows, cols, vals)
5×5 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 15 stored entries:
-12.5 6.25 ⋅ ⋅ 6.25
6.25 -12.5 6.25 ⋅ ⋅
⋅ 6.25 -12.5 6.25 ⋅
⋅ ⋅ 6.25 -12.5 6.25
6.25 ⋅ ⋅ 6.25 -12.5
n = 200
A = heat_matrix(n)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, n+1)[1:end-1]
u0 = exp.(-200 * x .^ 2)
@time thist, uhist = ode_theta_linear(A, u0, h=.1, theta=1, tfinal=1);
nsteps = size(uhist, 2)
plot(x, uhist[:, 1:5])
1.281199 seconds (4.38 M allocations: 230.188 MiB, 7.18% gc time, 99.80% compilation time)
Advection as a linear ODE¶
function advect_matrix(n; upwind=false)
dx = 2 / n
rows = [1]
cols = [1]
vals = [0.]
wrap(j) = (j + n - 1) % n + 1
for i in 1:n
append!(rows, [i, i])
if upwind
append!(cols, wrap.([i-1, i]))
append!(vals, [1., -1] ./ dx)
append!(cols, wrap.([i-1, i+1]))
append!(vals, [1., -1] ./ 2dx)
sparse(rows, cols, vals)
5×5 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 11 stored entries:
0.0 -1.25 ⋅ ⋅ 1.25
1.25 ⋅ -1.25 ⋅ ⋅
⋅ 1.25 ⋅ -1.25 ⋅
⋅ ⋅ 1.25 ⋅ -1.25
-1.25 ⋅ ⋅ 1.25 ⋅
n = 50
A = advect_matrix(n, upwind=false)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, n+1)[1:end-1]
u0 = exp.(-9 * x .^ 2)
@time thist, uhist = ode_theta_linear(A, u0, h=.04, theta=1, tfinal=1.);
nsteps = size(uhist, 2)
plot(x, uhist[:, 1:(nsteps÷8):end])
0.061281 seconds (167.05 k allocations: 10.873 MiB, 96.58% compilation time)
Spectrum of operators¶
h = .1
plot_stability(z -> Rz_theta(z, theta), "\$\\theta=$theta, h=$h\$")
ev = eigvals(Matrix(h*advect_matrix(20, upwind=true)))
scatter!(real(ev), imag(ev))
h = .2 / 4
plot_stability(z -> Rz_theta(z, theta), "\$\\theta=$theta, h=$h\$")
ev = eigvals(Matrix(h*heat_matrix(20)))
scatter!(real(ev), imag(ev))
Stiff equations are problems for which explicit methods don’t work. (Hairer and Wanner, 2002)
“stiff” dates to Curtiss and Hirschfelder (1952)
We’ll use the cosine relaxation example \(y_t = -k(y - \cos t)\) using the \(\theta\) method, varying \(k\) and \(\theta\).
function ode_error(h; theta=.5, k=10)
u0 = [.2]
thist, uhist = ode_theta_linear(-k, u0, forcing=t -> k*cos(t), tfinal=3, h=h, theta=theta)
T = thist[end]
u_exact = (u0 .- k^2/(k^2+1)) * exp(-k*T) .+ k*(sin(T) + k*cos(T))/(k^2 + 1)
uhist[1,end] .- u_exact
ode_error (generic function with 1 method)
hs = .5 .^ (1:8)
errors = ode_error.(hs, theta=0, k=5)
plot(hs, norm.(errors), marker=:auto, xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10)
plot!(hs, hs, label="\$h\$", legend=:topleft)
plot!(hs, hs.^2, label="\$h^2\$", ylabel="cost", xlabel="\$\\Delta t\$")
Examples of ODE systems¶
Stiff problems posess multiple time scales and the fastest scale is “not interesting”
The ocean
The ocean
Adaptive time integrators¶
The Oregonator mechanism in chemical kinetics describes an oscillatory chemical system. It consists of three species with concentrations \(\mathbf x = [x_0,x_1,x_2]^T\) (scaled units) and the evolution equations
Plan for next week¶
I will answer questions/work problems on Monday.
Please chat with your neighbor and suggest ideas in Zulip.
Groups will present 5-minute lightning talks on Wednesday.
If you prefer to pre-record, do that and share a link on Zulip.
If you have a group, but it hasn’t been mentioned on Zulip, please identify yourself so I can check in (scheduling and format).