Model-based Inference#

Last time#

  • Presentation guidelines, portfolio meetings

  • Fast Fourier Transform


  • Multi-variate probabilistic models

  • Adjoint-based methods

  • MCMC for Bayesian inference

using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using SparseArrays
default(linewidth=3, legendfontsize=12, xtickfontsize=12, ytickfontsize=12)

Gaussian models#

One variable#

Probability density

\[ p(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac 1 2 (x-\mu) \sigma^{-2} (x - \mu)}\]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\sigma^2\) is the variance.


Probability density

\[p(\mathbf x) = \lvert 2\pi \Sigma \rvert^{-1/2} \exp\Big(-\frac 1 2 (\mathbf x - \boldsymbol \mu)^T \Sigma^{-1} (\mathbf x - \boldsymbol \mu) \Big)\]

where \(\boldsymbol\mu\) is the mean and \(\Sigma\) is the covariance matrix.

Precision matrix#

The covariance \(\Sigma\) is rarely used directly in computation and is usually dense, while the precision matrix \(P = \Sigma^{-1}\) is often sparse, representing conditional independence.

Constrained optimization#

Suppose we want to minimize an objective function over some design variables \(d\)

\[\min_d J(u,d)\]

subject to \(f(u; d) = 0\).

Evidently it is possible to compute \(u(d)\) by solving this constraint. That might mean solving a differential equation. An optimization algorithm will typically need the total derivative of \(J\) with respect to the design variable \(d\), which will involve differentiating \(\partial u/\partial d\).

Lagrange multipliers#

We can instead seek stationary points of the Lagrangian

\[\mathcal L(u, \lambda, d) = J(u, d) + \lambda^T f(u; d)\]
which yields

(42)#\[\begin{align} \nabla_u \mathcal L &= \nabla_u J + \lambda^T \nabla_u f(u; d) = 0 \\ \nabla_\lambda \mathcal L &= f(u; d) = 0 \\ \nabla_d \mathcal L &= \nabla_d J + \lambda^T \nabla_d f(u; d) = 0. \end{align}\]

The algorithm is that given \(d\), we solve the second equation to get \(u\), then solve the first equation to get \(\lambda\), at which point the last equation delivers the gradient.

Quadratic objective with linear constraints#

Consider minimizing

\[J(u,d) = \frac 1 2 (u - m)^T A (u - m) + \frac 1 2 d^T C d\]
(where \(A\) is SPD and \(C\) is symmetric positive semidefinite) subject to \(f(u;d) = Bu - d = 0\).


We might want to match (noisy) measurements \(m\) where \(A\) is an assumed precision matrix for the measurements and the design variables have a cost described by \(C\).


The Lagrangian is

(43)#\[\begin{align}\mathcal L(u, \lambda, d) &= \frac 1 2 (u-m)^T A (u - m) + \frac 1 2 d^T C d \\ &+ \lambda^T (Bu - d) \end{align}\]

which has first order optimality conditions $$\begin{bmatrix} A & B^T & 0 \ B & 0 & -I \ 0 & -I & C \end{bmatrix}

(44)#\[\begin{bmatrix} u \\ \lambda \\ d \end{bmatrix}\]

Evidently the optimal design \(d\) can be computed by solving this linear system.

Bayesian interpretation#

Before collecting the measurements \(m\), we have a prior probability

\[p(d) \sim \exp\Big( -\frac 1 2 d^T C d \Big),\]
which can also be written as \(d\) is normally distributed with mean 0 and covariance \(C^{-1}\),
\[ d \sim \mathcal N(0, C^{-1}).\]

After taking measurements \(m\), we can describe the joint distibution

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} u \\ d \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathcal N \Big( \begin{bmatrix} m \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} A & D^T \\ D & C \end{bmatrix}^{-1} \Big)\end{split}\]

for some coupling matrix \(D\) that describes satisfying the constraints.

We can produce a new posterior distribution for the design \(d\) conditioned on the measurements \(m\) using Bayes’ Theorem,

\[p(d | m) \sim p(m | d) p(d)\]

where for our model,

\[p(m | d) \sim \exp\Big( -\frac 1 2 \big( u(d) - m \big)^T A \big(u(d) - m\big)\Big).\]

Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) point#

One might ask for \(d\) that maximizes \(p(d|m)\), or equivalently, \(d\) that minimizes the negative log posterior:

\[-\log p(d|m) = \frac 1 2 \big(u(d) - m\big)^T A \big(u(d) - m\big) + \frac 1 2 d^T C d.\]

Beyond Gaussian models#

The math on the previous slide requires that

  • the prior \(p(d)\) is Gaussian and

  • the model \(u(d)\) is linear, i.e., \(Bu = d\). If either is not true, then \(p(d|m)\) is no longer a Gaussian distribution.

Variational Inference#

Assume a Gaussian posterior anyway and solve the nonlinear least squares problems to find the MAP point. The covariance of \(p(d|m)\) is represented by the Hessian of the negative log posterior.

Bayesian Inference#

We want to describe the non-Gaussian distribution, which generally has no closed form. This must be done by sampling.

Bayesian sampling#

Naive Idea#

Draw sample designs from the prior \(p(d)\), solve the state equation to produce \(u(d)\). Use the observational noise model to compute \(p(m | u(d))\). Use Bayes’ theorem to define posterior \(p(d|m)\).


It is very slow to explore the designs that are consistent with measurements. It’s also unclear how to use the weighted posterior samples.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo#

As before, but

  1. Take a random walk in design space (steps drawn from some distribution) to produce candidates \(d'\) nearby to the most recently accepted \(d_k\).

  2. Define acceptance ratio \(\alpha = p(d'|m) / p(d_k|m)\).

  3. Draw a uniform random number from \([0,1]\) and if less than \(\alpha\), accept the step by setting \(d_{k+1} = d'\).


  • Some initial samples must be discarded (“burn in”).

  • We don’t need a normalized posterior (which is good because normalization is expensive).

  • The “chains” after burn-in are samples from the posterior.

Variational versus sampling#

  • Variational methods can be used in high dimensions (millions or billions of design variables).

    • At least to find the MAP point (deterministic nonlinear optimization)

    • Use low-rank methods to approximate the most parts of the Hessian (i.e., subspace in which data is most informative).

    • Cannot capture non-Gaussian posterior effects

    • Gradient-based optimization requires gradients (adjoints)

  • Sampling is much more expensive, especially in high dimensions

    • Captures the full distribution (with enough samples)

    • High order statistics of the posterior are mostly intractable in high dimensions

    • Hamiltonian Monte Carlo uses gradient/Hessian information to sample more efficiently.

    • Turing.jl is a nice Julia package

Example: advection#

Forward model#

Consider the state variable \(u(t,x)\) solving the advection equation

\[u_t + u_x = 0\]
with an objective defined in terms of \(u(T, \cdot)\).

Continuous adjoint model#

Multiply by \(\lambda\) and integrate by parts

(45)#\[\begin{align} \lambda(u_t + u_x) &= u(-\lambda_t - \lambda_x) \end{align}\]

Differentiating this product with respect to \(u\) leaves the adjoint equation

\[-\lambda_t - \lambda_x = 0\]
which runs backward in time.


The forward model is advection to the right.

The adjoint model (evolving backward in time) is advection to the left.

Discrete (in space) adjoint#

Forward model as \(u_t = Au\).

Adjoint model is \(\lambda_t = -A^T \lambda\), backward in time.


x = LinRange(-1, 1, 100)
function advect_matrix(x) # upwinded
    c = .5 * (x[1:end-1] + x[2:end])
    L = x[end] - x[1]
    dx = diff([c[end] - L; c; c[1] + L])
    n = length(c)
    rows = Int[]
    cols = Int[]
    vals = Float64[]
    wrap(j) = (j + n - 1) % n + 1
    for i in 1:n
        append!(rows, [i, i])
        append!(cols, wrap.([i-1, i]))
        append!(vals, [1., -1] ./ dx[i])
    c, sparse(rows, cols, vals)
c, A = advect_matrix(x)
A = Matrix(A); # dense to use exp
u0 = @. exp(-(c/.4)^2)
T = 0.2
u = exp(A * T) * u0
lam = exp(A' * T) * u0
scatter(c, [u0 u lam], label=["u0" "forward" "adjoint"])

Non-uniform grid#

warp(x; s = 0.3) = s*x + (1-s)*x^3
plot(warp, xlim=(-1, 1), legend=:none)
x = LinRange(-1, 1, 100)
y = warp.(x)
c, A = advect_matrix(y)
A = Matrix(A)
u0 = @. exp(-(c/.4)^2)
T = 0.2
u = exp(A * T) * u0
lam = exp(A' * T) * u0
scatter(c, [u0 u lam], label=["u0" "forward" "adjoint"])
@show norm(sum(A, dims=[2])) # row sums
@show norm(sum(A', dims=[2])); # row sums of adjoint operator 
norm(sum(A, dims = [2])) = 0.0
norm(sum(A', dims = [2])) = 

Discretization does not commute with differentiation!?!#

  • This is a big problem.

    • One hopes that the gradient computed by the adjoint method is a descent direction for an optimizer.

    • But the gradient of the discrete problem is physically nonsense, often leading to local minima.

    • The discretization of the continuous adjoint equation may not be a descent direction, but is probably conceptually more what you want.

  • Some discretizations, such as pure Galerkin methods, do commute.

  • Such methods are insufficiently stable for most transport-dominated problems.

  • Discretization methods like limiters for finite volume methods make this worse.