2023-02-15 Projections, rotations, and reflections
2023-02-15 Projections, rotations, and reflections#
Last time#
Algebra of linear transformations
Polynomial evaluation and fitting
Oh my!
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using Polynomials
default(linewidth=4, legendfontsize=12)
function vander(x, k=nothing)
if isnothing(k)
k = length(x)
m = length(x)
V = ones(m, k)
for j in 2:k
V[:, j] = V[:, j-1] .* x
vander (generic function with 2 methods)
Matrices as linear transformations#
Linear algebra is the study of linear transformations on vectors, which represent points in a finite dimensional space. The matrix-vector product \(y = A x\) is a linear combination of the columns of \(A\). The familiar definition,
can also be viewed as
Inner products and orthogonality#
The inner product
Examples with inner products#
x = [0, 1]
y = [1, 2]
@show x' * y
@show y' * x;
x' * y = 2
y' * x = 2
ϕ = pi/6
y = [cos(ϕ), sin(ϕ)]
@show x' * y
cos_θ = x'*y / (norm(x) * norm(y))
@show cos_θ
@show cos(ϕ-pi/2);
x' * y = 0.49999999999999994
cos_θ = 0.49999999999999994
cos(ϕ - pi / 2) = 0.4999999999999999
Polynomials can be orthogonal too!#
x = LinRange(-1, 1, 50)
A = vander(x, 4)
M = A * [.5 0 0 0; # 0.5
0 1 0 0; # x
0 0 1 0]' # x^2
scatter(x, M, legend=:none)
plot!(x, 0*x, label=:none, color=:black)
Which inner product will be zero?
Which functions are even and odd?
Polynomial inner products#
M[:,1]' * M[:,2]
acosd(M[:,1]' * M[:,3] / (norm(M[:,1]) * norm(M[:,3])))
M[:,2]' * M[:,3]
Geometry of Linear Algebra#
We’d like to develop intuition about transformations on vectors. We’ll start with a peanut-shaped cluster of points and see how they transform.
function peanut()
theta = LinRange(0, 2*pi, 50)
r = 1 .+ .4*sin.(3*theta) + .6*sin.(2*theta)
x = r .* cos.(theta)
y = r .* sin.(theta)
x, y
x, y = peanut()
scatter(x, y)
We’ll group all these points into a \(2\times n\) matrix \(X\). Note that multiplication by any matrix \(A\) is applied to each column separately, i.e.,
X = [x y]'
(2, 50)
Inner products and projections#
Consider the operation \(f(x) = v (v^T x)\) for some vector \(v\). We’ll apply this same operation to every point in the original cluster \(X\).
function tplot(X, Y)
"Plot a transformation from X to Y"
scatter(X[1,:], X[2,:], label="X")
scatter!(Y[1,:], Y[2,:], label="Y")
v = [1, 0]
tplot(X, v * (v' * X))
Are the parentheses important? Why or why not?
v = [1, 1] / sqrt(2)
# What happens if v is not normalized?
# Discuss with your group and make a prediction before uncommenting and running the line below.
tplot(X, v * v' * X)
# Vector transformations are "nice" if norm(v) = 1
theta = pi * .7
v = [cos(theta), sin(theta)]
@show norm(v)
tplot(X, v * v' * X)
norm(v) = 0.9999999999999999
Discuss with your group what the vector \(v\) looks like in these diagrams.
What is the null space of each transformation?
What is the range of each transformation?
For each figure, what happens if you apply the transformation \(v v^T\) to the red points?
What about \(I - v v^T\)?
Givens Rotation#
We can rotate the input using a \(2\times 2\) matrix, parametrized by \(\theta\).
function givens(theta)
s = sin(theta)
c = cos(theta)
A = [c -s; s c]
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -0.0
0.0 1.0
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
-1.0 -1.22465e-16
1.22465e-16 -1.0
tplot(X, givens(.8) * X)
What is the null space and range of the Givens matrix?
Is the Givens matrix orthogonal? What does that mean?
Using a construct of the form \(I - \alpha v v^T\), create a reflection across the plane defined by unit normal vector \(v = [\cos\theta, \sin\theta]\). Try different values of \(\alpha\) and convince yourself of why it works or sketch a diagram for the projections \(v v^T\) and \(I - v v^T\) and decide how to modify it to make a reflection.
function reflect(theta)
v = [cos(theta), sin(theta)]
I - ??? * v * v'
tplot(X, reflect(pi/2) * X)
using Test
@test mapslices(norm, X; dims=1) ≈ mapslices(norm, reflect(0.3) * X; dims=1)
@test X ≈ reflect(0.5) * reflect(0.5) * X
Test Passed
Expression: X ≈ reflect(0.5) * reflect(0.5) * X
Evaluated: [1.0 1.291607690975099 … 0.6919723366713914 0.9999999999999993; 0.0 0.16653437041080127 … -0.08921995295821092 -2.449293598294705e-16] ≈ [1.0 1.291607690975099 … 0.6919723366713914 0.9999999999999993; 0.0 0.16653437041080127 … -0.08921995295821092 -2.449293598294705e-16]
Where is the vector \(v\) on the figure above?
Does the reflection matrix change if you replace \( v(\theta)\) with \(v(\theta + \pi)\)? Why or why not?
What happens if you reflect twice?
What is the null space and range of the reflection matrix?
Is the reflection matrix orthogonal?