2023-03-06 Low Rank
2023-03-06 Low Rank#
Last time#
Solving least squares problems
Geometry of the SVD
Reflection on algorithm choices
Low-rank structure
Primer on interpolation
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
default(linewidth=4, legendfontsize=12)
function vander(x, k=nothing)
if isnothing(k)
k = length(x)
m = length(x)
V = ones(m, k)
for j in 2:k
V[:, j] = V[:, j-1] .* x
function gram_schmidt_classical(A)
m, n = size(A)
Q = zeros(m, n)
R = zeros(n, n)
for j in 1:n
v = A[:,j]
R[1:j-1,j] = Q[:,1:j-1]' * v
v -= Q[:,1:j-1] * R[1:j-1,j]
R[j,j] = norm(v)
Q[:,j] = v / R[j,j]
Q, R
function qr_householder(A)
m, n = size(A)
R = copy(A)
V = [] # list of reflectors
for j in 1:n
v = copy(R[j:end, j])
v[1] += sign(v[1]) * norm(v) # <---
v = normalize(v)
R[j:end,j:end] -= 2 * v * v' * R[j:end,j:end]
push!(V, v)
V, R
function qr_chol(A)
R = cholesky(A' * A).U
Q = A / R
Q, R
function qr_chol2(A)
Q, R = qr_chol(A)
Q, R1 = qr_chol(Q)
Q, R1 * R
function peanut()
theta = LinRange(0, 2*pi, 50)
r = 1 .+ .4*sin.(3*theta) + .6*sin.(2*theta)
r' .* [cos.(theta) sin.(theta)]'
function circle()
theta = LinRange(0, 2*pi, 50)
[cos.(theta) sin.(theta)]'
function Aplot(A)
"Plot a transformation from X to Y"
X = peanut()
Y = A * X
p = scatter(X[1,:], X[2,:], label="in")
scatter!(p, Y[1,:], Y[2,:], label="out")
X = circle()
Y = A * X
q = scatter(X[1,:], X[2,:], label="in")
scatter!(q, Y[1,:], Y[2,:], label="out")
plot(p, q, layout=2, aspect_ratio=:equal)
Aplot (generic function with 1 method)
Condition number via SVD#
A = randn(2,2) # nonsymmetric
A = A + A'
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
0.533196 -0.634645
-0.634645 -3.24534
@show svdvals(A)
U, S, V = svd(A)
@show norm(U - U')
svdvals(A) = [3.349088030301591, 0.63694216378792]
norm(U - U') = 4.710277376051325e-16
Example: autonomous vehicles#
Need to solve least squares problems in real time
Weight/cost/size increase with compute
What algorithm to choose?
What precision to use?
How many objects?
Speed (of robot and objects)
Aerial, wheeled, walking
Fog, light – longer memory?
Tolerences (how accurate does the solution need to be?)
Consequences of being wrong, who bears those consequences?
A = rand(5000, 500)
A_32 = Float32.(A)
@show cond(A)
@time qr(A); # Householder; backward stable
@time qr_chol(A); # Unstable
@time qr(A_32);
cond(A) = 56.21621342703861
0.067741 seconds (7 allocations: 19.348 MiB)
0.037107 seconds (8 allocations: 22.888 MiB)
0.045914 seconds (7 allocations: 9.674 MiB)
V = vander(LinRange(-1, 1, 20))
@show cond(V)
Q, R = qr(Float32.(V))
@show norm(Q' * Q - I)
Q, R = qr_chol(V)
@show norm(Q' * Q - I)
cond(V) = 2.7224082312417406e8
norm(Q' * Q - I) = 1.6641898f-6
norm(Q' * Q - I) = 0.1749736012761826
Best low rank approximation#
The SVD can be truncated to yield the best rank-\(k\) approximation of a matrix.
n, k = 2, 1
A = randn(n, n)
U, S, V = svd(A)
@show S[1:k+1]
Uhat = U[:, 1:k]
Shat = S[1:k]
Vhat = V[:, 1:k]
Ahat = Uhat * diagm(Shat) * Vhat'
@show norm(Ahat)
Aplot(Ahat - A)
S[1:k + 1] = [2.142482775050614, 0.7866894479177035]
norm(Ahat) = 2.142482775050614
Example: Galaxies#
Suppose we have two galaxies of size \(n_1 = 100\) and \(n_2 = 200\), each randomly distributed around their respective centers.
galaxy(center, sigma, n) = reshape(center, 1, 3) .+ sigma*randn(n, 3)
g1 = galaxy([0 0 0], 1, 100)
g2 = galaxy([10 0 0], 1, 100)
scatter(g1[:,1], g1[:,2], aspect_ratio=:equal)
scatter!(g2[:,1], g2[:,2])
Forces between stars#
Consider the gravitational force from a star at position \(x_2\) acting on a star at position \(x_1\),
function gravity(g1, g2)
m = size(g1, 1)
n = size(g2, 1)
F = zeros(3*m, n)
for i in 0:m-1
for j in 1:n
r = g2[j,:] - g1[1+i,:]
F[1+3*i:3*(i+1),j] = r / norm(r)^3
gravity(g1, g2)
300×100 Matrix{Float64}:
0.00957861 0.0160052 0.00903842 … 0.0175968 0.00907843
0.00041256 0.000760967 -0.000356393 0.00191593 0.0018601
-0.000847752 0.00114359 0.000877223 -6.05134e-5 -0.00201754
0.00749971 0.0115206 0.00693755 0.0127296 0.00749341
-0.000154054 -0.000373843 -0.000637198 0.000201199 0.000895957
-0.000353709 0.00114185 0.000802696 … 0.000472475 -0.0012234
0.0111437 0.0199477 0.0103831 0.0226252 0.0109335
-0.00104928 -0.00267252 -0.00186976 -0.00170139 0.000860172
-0.00160558 0.000354605 0.000624766 -0.0015889 -0.0032019
0.00710227 0.0119115 0.00731593 0.0124992 0.00676589
-0.001024 -0.00226415 -0.00158559 … -0.00181528 1.00586e-5
-0.00234288 -0.00294483 -0.00109365 -0.00413747 -0.00312664
0.00698416 0.0109464 0.00662522 0.0120304 0.00712998
⋮ ⋱
0.00618539 0.00862599 0.00545132 0.00971521 0.00666401
-0.000803591 -0.00142335 -0.00105287 -0.00123311 -2.81192e-5
0.000294728 0.00173048 0.00106595 … 0.00144731 -0.000375876
0.00804425 0.0116672 0.00707982 0.0131326 0.00817483
0.00027507 0.000418693 -0.000291634 0.00117878 0.00148362
0.000593198 0.0030157 0.00169696 0.0026354 -0.000355248
0.00643968 0.0095833 0.00595092 0.0105867 0.00663593
-0.00067542 -0.00129392 -0.00101008 … -0.00100465 0.000157104
-0.000397485 0.000666828 0.000542368 0.000122128 -0.00113122
0.00973855 0.0161491 0.00883127 0.0184812 0.0100008
-0.00133833 -0.00301557 -0.00191268 -0.00251571 0.000221424
-0.000921822 0.00109826 0.000839169 -0.000172058 -0.0023163
g1 = galaxy([0 0 0], 1, 500)
g2 = galaxy([10 0 0], 1, 500)
F = gravity(g1, g2)
U, S, V = svd(F)
scatter(S, yscale=:log10, ylims=(1e-10, 10), xlims=(0, 200))
k = 10
Uhat = U[:,1:k]
Shat = S[1:k]
Vhat = V[:,1:k]
Fhat = Uhat * diagm(Shat) * Vhat'
@show norm(F)
@show norm(F - Fhat)
norm(F) = 74.35638936337672
norm(F - Fhat) = 31.382227066596844
(1500, 500)
What is interpolation?#
Given data \((x_i, y_i)\), find a (smooth?) function \(f(x)\) such that \(f(x_i) = y_i\).
Data in#
direct field observations/measurement of a physical or social system
numerically processed observations, perhaps by applying physical principles
output from an expensive “exact” numerical computation
output from an approximate numerical computation
Function out#
Piecewise polynomials (includes nearest-neighbor)
Powers and exponentials
Trigonometric functions (sine and cosine)
Neural networks
Interpolation fits the data exactly!
Polynomial interpolation#
We’ve seen how we can fit a polynomial using Vandermonde matrices, one column per basis function and one row per observation.
It’s possible to find a unique polynomial \(\mathbf p\) when which of the following are true?
\(m \le n\)
\(m = n\)
\(m \ge n\)
Polynomial interpolation with a Vandermonde matrix#
x = LinRange(-1.5, 2, 4)
y = sin.(x)
A = vander(x)
p = A \ y
scatter(x, y)
s = LinRange(-3, 3, 50)
plot!(s, [sin.(s) vander(s, length(p)) * p])
Vandermonde matrices can be ill-conditioned#
A = vander(LinRange(-1, 1, 20))
It’s because of the points \(x\)?
It’s because of the basis functions \(\{ 1, x, x^2, x^3, \dotsc \}\)?