Careers in numerical computation#


  • Research

    • National Labs

    • Industrial R&D

    • Academia

  • Production

    • Cloud and hardware

    • Independent Software Vendors (ISV)

    • Open source/services companies

    • Engineering companies


  • Fast Fourier Transform

  • Monte Carlo integration

National Labs#

  • Department of Energy

    • Office of Science (Berkeley, Argonne, Pacific Northwest, …)

    • National Nuclear Security Administration (Livermore, Los Alamos, Sandia)

    • Office of Renewable Energy (NREL)

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

    • Weather and climate, operational numerical weather prediction and research

  • National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

    • Comprehensive climate focus (includes ocean, sea ice, land ice, land)

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology

    • Fundamental materials (e.g., gas equations of state), metrology

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

    • Earth research, especially remote sensing (satellite and aerial)

    • Fluid and structural mechanics for safe, reliable, efficient flight (includes partnerships with FAA)

    • Materials science and engineering (overlapping scope with industry)

Examples of lab/agency-led software#

  • HPC Middleware (MPI implementations, resource managers)

  • Numerical Libraries (PETSc, hypre, Sundials, Trilinos, MFEM)

  • Open source simulation applications (MOOSE library, LAMMPS, Nek, Albany)

  • Internal/export controlled simulation (BLAST, FUN3D, Sierra, MCNP, MOOSE apps)

  • Community Earth System Model (NCAR), Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)

  • Some orgs publicly embrace open source LLNL Open Source

Industrial R&D#

  • Hardware vendors and cloud providers: CUDA, HIP, SYCL, OpenMP, MPI

    • “Science/engineering should use our programming models/run fast on our hardware”

    • “Data science” (statistical computing) should also be fast

  • High-stakes methods development

  • Research papers in specific venues are valuable

  • Windows into industrial research culture

    • Who participates in comparison studies, standards organizations, etc.?

    • Who attends technical conferences (not trade shows) and holds elected positions in professional societies?


  • Tenure-track

    • Teaching

    • External funding is mainly to support students and research staff

    • Eternally swimming in hats

  • Research faculty/research software engineer

    • Usually reliant on external grants, often a “center”

    • There are some “research software engineering” facility/service groups (e.g., Princeton)

    • CU Institutes (CIRES, INSTAAR, LASP, JILA, BioFrontiers, …)

Independence, transparency, and security#

  • Competitive government funding

    • Grant review panel, process to avoid conflicts of interest

    • Applicants receive reviews with positive and negative

    • Often low funding rate (e.g., 10% of proposals get funded)

    • Acadamics can apply to any agency, DOE labs only eligible for DOE funding

  • Block government funding

    • NNSA funding for classified work; mission-oriented work at other agencies

    • Internal review process, may be formal (“LDRD”) but likely doesn’t avoid CoI (reviewed by your management chain)

  • Industry

    • Often informal process to influence management decisions

    • Depends more on personal trust, likely more dependent on individual managers (can change rapidly with reorg)

    • Since no formal process or external review, minimal feedback


  • Cloud and hardware vendors

    • build or contribute to numerical libraries

    • use numerical computing to design silicon, optimize fabrication process

    • use numerical computing to design and optimize data centers, analyze workloads

  • Independent Software Vendors

    • Geometric modeling/CAD, simulation (ANSYS, Abaqus, etc.)

    • Matlab, Mathematica, etc.

  • Open source/services

    • Distribution/integration: Posit (aka. RStudio), Enthought, Continuum, QuanSight

    • Training/consulting/support: OpenFOAM

    • Various large tech companies have people doing open source numerical library development

  • Engineering companies

    • Growing in-house simulation tools

    • Larger companies can afford to make these tools

What does technical leadership look like?#


  • Motivation

  • What you did and how

  • Results and interpretation

  • Examples of positive and negative impacts/risks