Welcome to CSCI-3656: Numerical Computation
Meeting Time: MWF 1:25-2:15 in FLMG 157
Office hours: Monday 9-10am, Tuesday 2-3pm, Thursday 2-3pm (via Zoom until further notice)
Grader office hours: Friday 11:00 am - 12:30 am via Zoom (https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/99647042373, Passcode: 906126)
Name |
Objectives |
Set goals, reflect on them, and gather any thoughts and independent activities. |
Use GitHub classroom and Julia to observe numerical instability. |
Experiment with and compare methods for rootfinding at small and large scales. |
Learn and apply knowledge of conditioning and stability to explain the Runge effect. |
Investigate how concepts from class appear in real-world software and conceptualize potential group projects. |
SIAM Membership is free for CU students (30% discount on SIAM books)
Driscoll and Braun, Fundamentals of Numerical Computation
free, in Julia with demo notebooks
there is a print version with additional chapters
an excellent, comprehensive book
not free, uses Matlab for limited numerical examples
Sauer (2012), Numerical Analysis
used for this course in other semesters.
Boyd and Vandenberghe (2018), Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra
practical introduction to linear algebra for computer scientists; free PDF
Trefethen and Bau (1997), Numerical Linear Algebra (PDF via library)
fantastic, but limited to numerical linear algebra and covers more advanced topics; free PDF via library
Myers, Van de Geijn, and Van de Geijn (2020), Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers
linear algebra with attention to performance; free PDF and videos
Eijkhout (2021), Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing
includes introductory numerical linear algebra from a performance standpoint; free PDF.